Sant Celoni to Argentona


Dear me, I’m falling apart here! I really don’t know how I feel about all this anymore. I’m dreading the end of the walk but also can’t wait to finish.

I am struggling to fully appreciate that tomorrow I will walk the last 25km and that’s it. I’ll miss it. The freedom,the space, the people, the time. Time .

Today has been a relaxing days walk. I started early, was out of Sant Celoni by 0730. In Llinars del Valles a very kind Andy – from Boston originally helped me find a road when I was stuck. Thanks mate, I appreciated the help.

I have had loads of friendly waves from cyclists and even drivers.

I have passed many more plastic chairs in lay-by’s with scantily clad birds waiting on them. Some even have a parasol. They don’t seem to see me as potential business. This is either due to my lack of car or because they thought me too hideous even for money. What they didn’t reckon on is that a.I have a tent & b.I have a buff scarf that can fashion into a balaclava. Whose laughing now?

So I shall leave Argentona tomorrow very early as I want to be at the office for about 1500 to say hello and in a bar for 1502.

The blog will continue after the walk as I will use it to let you know about further events and plans. If you sign up on the blog site you get a notification when I add an entry. A Burlesque Without Borders 3 maybe on the cards if I can bribe a certain Ms LaBelle.

I will also be rewriting my presentation once the walk is complete and will be happy to talk to anyone who will listen about MSF and walka2b.

Just let me know if you have a club or society etc that is in dire need of a slitty eyed balding bloke who can talk about roadside prostitution in France and Spain.

Sit back and wait for the call Andy!

Riudarenes to Sant Celoni


This ominous sky greeted me this morning and stuck with me all day. It finally chucked down as I arrived in Sant Celoni. I hid in a doorway. This turned into a very funny experience for me. The guy who owns the doorway – and likely the rest of the house joined me. He was a very nice man but clearly didn’t grasp my problems with the language. He spoke at 100mph and when he asked if I understood and I answered in the negative he carried on just the same. Though he was very nice there is only so much smiling and nodding a man can do without looking simple. I think I hit that stage in about 10mins. After a brief prayer and a mental reverse rain dance I headed into town.

I’m now in the Hostal Villegas which again is perfectly fine and cheap.

On to Argentona tomorrow.

Girona to Riudarenes


Hmmm room 101 eh. We will see, it’s very nice so far.

Not a great deal to report today. I followed a good walking road to Riudarenes. I did 3/4 of it squinting as I lost my sunglasses.

This is a very small place but the hotel is perfectly placed on the crossroad I need tomorrow.

I’m consumed with thoughts about the end of the walk at the moment. With planning, fundraising and finally walking this has been going on 2 years nearly. For it to be at an end in 3 days is very strange. It is however fine as this is what it is all about – setting a goal, achieving it and then looking forward to the next adventure. It’s all there to be done.



So, a nice relaxing day in Girona. It’s raining now which is as good a reason as any to sit in la Terra bar and drink the locally brewed Moska beer. The fact that they also do a slick line in vegan burgers is also a plus. That the waitress is extremely nice and very friendly is purely incidental. There are worse ways to spend a rainy afternoon.

I went to the Jewish museum earlier which was very interesting. Thought provoking too.

I leave here tomorrow and could use 3 days of dry weather to see me into Barcelona.

Earlier I spoke to my pal Alessandro who lives In Barca, I am looking forward to seeing him. The last time was in Kampala sitting up all night awaiting my departure to the airport. Just a day or 2 before we were in a car in the middle of a riot – full CS gas type thing. I’m hoping our reunion will be a little more sedate! Think on No1!

Medinya to Girona


My kit was still damp this morning when I came to pack. In a way I’m glad none of the equipment makers supported the walk as I have little good to say about the water proof properties of my boots or jacket. It may have been extreme but they should have coped. I shall be reviewing my equipment before …… Well, who knows.

Girona is lovely, I walked into the centre with a very kind gent who took me to the hotel door.

I will be exploring properly tomorrow but was content to wander the maze of streets and look in the quirky little shops.

It’s been s nice day.

Figueres to Medinya


I left Figueres this morning to an ominously grey sky. It held out till 1500 and then cats and dogs did fall. I haven’t seen rain like it for a long time. I planned to camp tonight but no way was this going to be possible so I just pressed on.

I had re- planned the day with the idea of a big push to get into Girona by 1900 but it just became plain dangerous. The road was barely drivable never mind walkable. Visibility was poor and I don’t want to die.

I found a hotel on the main road about 12 km from the city. I will dry out here and head in tomorrow.

La Jonquera to Figueres



The highlight of the day. The Salvador Dali museum in Figueres is amazing. I was there 2 hours. I love the nut jobs work.

Humiliation of the day – my water pouch leaking in a roadside cafe. 2 litres goes a long way. I think they liked me though as I insisted on mopping it up myself. Anything for attention.

Its been a grey, drizzly day today, I’m hoping it swings a bit for my last night wild camping tomorrow. St Jordi is in the middle of nowhere and seems to have no facilities so it’s a wood or some such.

Laroque des Alberes to SPAIN – la Jonquera


Fifth and final border crossing on this journey. I entered Spain at 1245 today and am now in La Jonquera. It is a typical border town – better than many I’ve seen actually. It exists as a Mecca for people taking advantage of tax breaks to buy cheap booze mainly. It’s true to say it’s not pretty but for me it’s a very big deal. Fabulous to be in Spain. 166 km to Barcelona.

It has been a relaxing and perfect 2 days with Byron and Sandra and I look forward to catching up again when they are home. Thanks to them for their hospitality and generosity.

Laroque des Alberes


I have seen people playing Petanque all over France. It’s a bowls like game played with 3 steel balls and a jack. Beginners luck nay, natural talent meant I crushed Lewis as if he were an ant. I left him broken and humiliated. It’s been a lovely day.

Earlier we had a walk into Laroque des Alberes the view over the plain of Perpignan was beautiful. I could see for miles in all directions with the Med off to the east and the Spanish border marked by the mountains to the south.

A very nice last day with Byron and Sandra. Onwards into Spain tomorrow.

Laroque des Alberes


A wonderful relaxing day with Byron and Sandra, we chatted at the site through the morning before heading to the coast.

Walking the beach at Argeles Sur Mer even catching a performance by the French version of the Red Arrows which was very good.

This has been a perfect day for me, exactly what I wanted – great company and relaxation.

I’m sweating about the walk from here as it’s effectively 2 days on big roads into Spain.